Mike Henderson

‘We’re bidding goodbye to an old friend: Mike Henderson, bluesman extraordinaire and one of the founding members of bluegrass group The SteelDrivers. Mike was an extraordinary talent: as at home with bluegrass and old time fiddle music as he was with the blues. He was a superb blues harp player too. I first saw him backing singer/songwriter Kevin Welch at the Bluebird Cafe in Nashville, and subsequently with blues band the Kingsnakes. On both those gigs the tall man at his side playing either his old upright string bass or his Fender Precision, was one Glenn Worf, who would share the studio and the stage with me from around that time until today. Mike joined my band for our tour in 2001 and we saw a big chunk of the world together. I’m thinking of Mike’s family and friends at this time.’ – MK
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