2019 Tour Dates
2019 TOUR
Dates for the 2019 DTRW Tour can be found on the tours page where you will also find information on markknopfler.com presales and the new Fair Admission policy.
A note on Fair Admission ticketing
“The word “Fair” in Fair Admission means to me that all the people that asked for the opportunity to buy tickets for this tour are given the same access. Most people attending any event would like front row for the face value on the ticket, but there is only ever one front row. Everyone always wants the best seats they can possibly get for the lowest price. Fair Admission assigns the seats randomly. So, unlike the pre-sale on Monday, (29th Oct), success has nothing to do with the ability to type fast or have five browser windows open at once.
There is a modest fee per ticket charged only to those tickets purchased through Fair Admission. This fee is not charged on tickets sold during the 29th Oct pre-sale. The inventory (i.e., number of tickets) allotted to MarkKnopfler.com is a single inventory. Fair Admission orders are seated before tickets purchased in the pre-sale. More information is available here:
In addition to the MarkKnopfler.com pre-sale on 29th Oct, for the US and Canada, where it is hard to get a reasonable quantity of good inventory for pre-sales, we will be arranging additional promoter pre-sales for all those that registered for Fair Admission that we are unable to accommodate directly.
It may also be important for some to know that we have a few shows in North America where the promoter decided not to go on sale until January. As such, ticket pricing and inventory won’t be available until then. The impacted shows are
1) Vienna, Virginia; 2) Denver, CO; 3) Woodinville, WA for two shows
As of writing, we may not be able to operate MarkKnopfler.com pre-sales for Toronto, Nashville, Phoenix and Santa Barbara. Any markets where we can’t resolve this issue, we will run a Ticketmaster pre-sale for MarkKnopfler.com.”
Paul Crockford, 27/10/2018
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Website by Lean Mean Digital
Material published on this web site is subject to copyright.
© Mark Knopfler News. All rights reserved.
Website by Lean Mean Digital